Revelation Ante-Dating Scientific Discovery—An Instance Pack, Frederick J.. "Revelation Ante-Dating Scientific Discovery—An Instance." Improvement Era 10, no. 4 (1907): 241-247.
Classification of Evidences Roberts, B.H.. "Classification of Evidences." In New Witnesses for God: Volume II - The Book of Mormon, 235-236. Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1909.
Book of Mormon Evidences Hunter, Milton R.. "Book of Mormon Evidences." Improvement Era 57, no. 12 (1954): 912-914, 916, 918.
Joseph the Prophet Hart, Charles H.. "Joseph the Prophet." Improvement Era 23, no. 6 (1920): 491-495.
External Evidences of the Book of Mormon Cheesman, Paul R.. "External Evidences of the Book of Mormon." In By Study and Also By Faith, Volume 2, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks, 73-90. Vol. 2. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.
New Approaches to Book of Mormon Study, Part I: Some Standard Tests Nibley, Hugh W.. "New Approaches to Book of Mormon Study, Part I: Some Standard Tests." Improvement Era 56, no. 11 (1953): 830-831, 859-862.
Lehi in the Desert, Part X—Conclusion Nibley, Hugh W.. "Lehi in the Desert, Part X—Conclusion." Improvement Era 53, no. 10 (1950): 804-806, 824, 826, 828, 830.
New Approaches to Book of Mormon Study, Part II: Some Standard Tests Nibley, Hugh W.. "New Approaches to Book of Mormon Study, Part II: Some Standard Tests." Improvement Era 56, no. 12 (1953): 919, 1003.
New Approaches to Book of Mormon Study, Part IV Nibley, Hugh W.. "New Approaches to Book of Mormon Study, Part IV." Improvement Era 57, no. 2 (1954): 88-89,125-126.
Ancient Ruins of South America: Some External Evidences Supporting the Story of the Book of Mormon Ballard, Melvin J.. "Ancient Ruins of South America: Some External Evidences Supporting the Story of the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 30, no. 11 (1927): 960-973.
Since Cumorah (Since Qumran), Part XXV Nibley, Hugh W.. "Since Cumorah (Since Qumran), Part XXV." Improvement Era 69, no. 10 (1966): 854-855.
Since Cumorah: New Voices from the Dust, Part XX Nibley, Hugh W.. "Since Cumorah: New Voices from the Dust, Part XX." Improvement Era 69, no. 5 (1966): 419-420, 422, 424.
Take It from a Famous Explorer Anderson, Jack Northman. "Take It from a Famous Explorer." Improvement Era 47, no. 2 (1944): 82, 118-120.
Archaeology and the Book of Mormon, Part I: Tour of Book of Mormon Lands Hunter, Milton R.. "Archaeology and the Book of Mormon, Part I: Tour of Book of Mormon Lands." Improvement Era 58, no. 4 (1955): 229, 280, 282.
The Book of Mormon and the Ancient Ruins Jenson, Andrew. "The Book of Mormon and the Ancient Ruins." Improvement Era 31, no. 4 (1928): 280-283.
A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter VI Shreeve, Thomas A.. "A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter VI." Juvenile Instructor 22, no. 11 (1887): 162-163.
A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter XVII, Continued Shreeve, Thomas A.. "A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter XVII, Continued." Juvenile Instructor 23, no. 5 (1888): 76-77.
An Objection to the Book of Mormon Answered Roberts, B.H.. "An Objection to the Book of Mormon Answered." Improvement Era 12, no. 9 (1909): 681-689.
A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter XI Shreeve, Thomas A.. "A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter XI." Juvenile Instructor 22, no. 16 (1887): 242-243.
A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter V, Continued Shreeve, Thomas A.. "A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter V, Continued." Juvenile Instructor 22, no. 10 (1887): 157-158.
A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter XVI Shreeve, Thomas A.. "A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter XVI." Juvenile Instructor 23, no. 3 (1888): 34-35.
A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter XII, Continued Shreeve, Thomas A.. "A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter XII, Continued." Juvenile Instructor 22, no. 18 (1887): 284-285.
A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter V Shreeve, Thomas A.. "A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter V." Juvenile Instructor 22, no. 9 (1887): 142-143.
A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter XIV Shreeve, Thomas A.. "A Sacred History: External Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon, Chapter XIV." Juvenile Instructor 22, no. 21 (1887): 324-325.